Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Finally, Control

In case you're wondering why KABF's signal sounds so crisp and clear lately, here's why.

We have a new control board. Like the old board, it's not exactly radio station quality; meaning, it will serve us until the sliders begin to short out. We're all looking forward to moving up to a real radio board toward the end of next summer, but in the meantime, we're happy with this one. We're getting true stereo, a clearer signal, and those infernal dead spots are a thing of the past.

Thank you, KABF supporters, for improving our sound and keeping us from tearing out what little hair we have left on our heads.


Anonymous said...

Are you being funny?!?!
My son has the same thing

Jay King said...

No joke. This is as 'state of the art' as our measly budget will allow.